Re-imagining digital futures to empower people and improve society

We are Ledgerback

We are a collectively-owned nonprofit information and research center operated by our Members.

We engage in research, tool-building, ecosystem-building, education, and knowledge-sharing.

Ledgerback Labs

Our digital garden for notes, updates, publications, and other writings from our projects.

Exit to Community

Exit strategies ensure that infrastructure remains available even after the initial organization may dissolve. What would it mean for an organization to transfer their company to the community?

Distroid: Graph Data Model for Catalogue

Early work developing a graph data model for the Distroid Catalogue, an interoperable metadata library of frontier media.

Content Feeds via the Sensemaking Markers

Early work developing a feed-ranking algorithm for recommending content from the Distroid Catalogue to improve understanding of frontier media

Preliminary analysis and scoring of Uniswap

Preliminary analysis and rating of Uniswap with the DAO Index Questionnaire Version 0.9, an assessment tool for assessing adherence to the DAO Index principles.


Ledgerback is preparing several prototypes that will immediately bring value to our stakeholders.

DAO Index Dashboard

A searchable web-interface for exploring the DAO Index ratings and assessments. Use the platform to learn more about DAOs and how they work in practice.

Distroid Commons

A searchable web-interface for the Distroid Catalogue. Use the platform to find new ideas, culture, and knowledge to support your research and learning goals.