We advance knowledge to improve the digital ecosystem

About Us

Ledgerback is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit cooperative that equips researchers, practitioners, funders, businesses, and the general public with knowledge and solutions to:

  1. understand the intersection of technology and society, and
  2. build and support a healthy digital ecosystem.


Distroid: Graph Data Model for Catalogue

Early work on developing a graph data model (i.e., ontology) for the Distroid Catalogue, a catalogue of digital media at the intersection of technology and society.

Exit to Community

Exit strategies ensure that infrastructure remains available even after the initial organization may dissolve. What would it mean for an organization to transfer their company to the community?

DAO Index: Exploring Maker DAO’s Delegation Network 

In this pub, we examined MakerDAO’s delegation network. In Maker DAO, “[d]elegation is an expression of the MKR Holder’s trust in the delegate.” Thus, we can say that Maker DAO’s delegation network acts as a trust network.


Distroid Catalogue

A searchable web-interface demo for the Distroid Catalogue. Use the platform to find new ideas, culture, and knowledge to support your research and learning goals.

DAO Index Ratings Dashboard

A searchable web-interface demo for exploring the DAO Index ratings and assessments. Use the platform to learn more about DAOs and how they work in practice.

DAO Index Scorecard Toolkit

An Airtable base for evaluating DAOs against the DAO Index principles with the DAO Index Questionnaire Version 0.9 (V0.9), and for managing materials referenced as part of the assessment process.



The Distroid project is focused on developing new ways to search and discover digital media at the intersection of technology and society.

Distributed Governance Score Framework

The Distributed Governance Score Framework (DGSF) project is developing an open and participatory framework to re-define how organizations assess their alignment with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

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